Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello. Hello. Hello. Is there an echo in here?

I'm back, with a commitment this time. I am sick of being disconnected from the art world and all forms of creativity. I have no outlet and if I did, I've lost all sense of imagination.

I have made a pretty extensive list of topics that I just want to share with someone. Whether they are all interesting... I just don't give a hoot. Some of which but not constricted to: my birthday-- turning 21 and no one to drink with, my (way too many) jobs-- and lack of free time, new purchases-- still buying cute stuff that is boxed up just waiting for a cozy home to be placed in, and maybe the fact that I want an Esty-- but am I good enough for people to buy my 'crafts.' So with my lack of friends, I could really use someone's opinion is pretty much every area of my life.

"Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends."

Want to be my str-iend?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I think so. I am engaged, finally, after 20 years of waiting.

The Story: It was Thursday evening and Adam and I were just watching television. He felt my right hand and noticed I was wearing my plain band (I wear this ring often and Adam usually puts it on my left hand as a joke. We call it 'practicing.').
Adam: Lets practice.
Karen: Ok!
He takes my ring off and begins to place it on my left hand.
A: I love y...
K: You aren't allowed to practice the talking part.
A: You are right but I love you so much and I want to be with you forever.
As he slides the band down my finger I'm thinking nothing of it until he spins the ring around and there is my huge diamond!
A: Will you marry me?
It was perfect! I had no idea. The ring was the exact size as my other and he completely tricked me. It was just fantastic and so special. I am so thankful that he didn't propose in public or in front of family. We both sat there hugging, crying and kissing. He makes my heart just melt.

And in the last three days I have practically planned the entire wedding and cannot wait! We can't decide which of these options to choose from though.

-Have a regular wedding and honeymoon and wait until early 2012.
-Get married downtown and put all of our money towards a party then go on a cruise in celebration.
-Go to a beach, just the two of us and get married. When we get home, we would have a reception for friends and family.
-Just skip all the crap, go get married downtown and finally be married.

I have never really been a big wedding girl. I didn't dream of white dresses when I was little. In fact, I think I look horrible in white. On the other hand, I'd like to do everything the right way. After all, you only get one big day.

Ugh, the decision will not be made until after the new year. Unfortunately, I got stuck with a typical guy who doesn't want to talk about it. He thinks the balls in my court now that he got the ring.

Wish me luck, I'll need it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Little Touches

I love my life right now. I feel strange saying that. Isn't that sad, I feel guilty writing about the good things but feel completely comfortable going on and on about the bad... Oh, well. I'm happy! I'm glad to be happy!
Nothing too big has happened. I've been shopping for s
tuff for my soon-to-be home with Adam (don't spread rumors, nothing is set in stone yet but we've begun looking). Everything from tables to soap dispensers, you name it and I have it. This is by far my favorite kind of shopping and I just might be an addict.
I couldn't just let the new things sit in storage and wait until moving day though, I had to give them a home and make them feel loved.

For instance, when I was working in Carmel I made it a
habit to stop and shop once a week. I found these gorgeous lamps at Marshalls. So I brought them home and put them on my new to-die-for wooden side tables from Target.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Layla is my favorite (for now). She has been having a hard time adjusting to the school and she has clung onto me since day one. The other day I heard her telling herself that, "Mommy is at work. Don't cry. Remember, if you don't cry, you'll get a gummy." She is too precious!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Just a quick little something.

1. So, I was reminded once again that I do not post enough photos on my facebook/blog/anything. I did a wedding with Elise a couple weeks ago and have another one in October. I still get extremely nervous for these super important functions but am loving it more with every couple I shoot.
2. I got a credit card. You know it's time to grow up when you have to 'build credit.' I'm extremely excited to pay payments! I have everything ready, just waiting for my statement. With this card I have boughten many fun and exciting things such as a gorgeous North Face sweater and new leather loafers.

3. For all of you wondering, I do not miss BSU. It is the sad truth that I am a workaholic. I now work at the preschool, part time nanny job in Carmel and am now interviewing to be a nursery coordinator at my church. Three jobs hopefully! After I buy a car, I'm moving out! This life is so much better than worrying about what projects are due, where I am going to get the money for that red colored pencil and who is going to take me home for Thanksgiving.

4. Adam-my boyfriend. While we wait patiently for marriage we are surviving life by having fun! I have never been so happy with someone or laughed with someone so much. He is my best friend and a flippin' joy to be around. I love him. 8 months on Sunday.

Dear readers,
I promise to post more pictures, write more frequently on the happenings of my life and bring back out my creative, artistic side.
I love you all,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

In an age of wireless.

I must apologize for the entire summer of no blogging. Now that my parents left the stone ages I don't need to stand at the bathroom window for a tad bit of wireless. I have much to share. Although nothing too big, a bunch of little things have happened.

I haven't typed in what feels like forever, with no more papers to write and no more e-mailing professors giving lame excuses why I wasn't in class, my hands were just aching for some relief.

For now, this is goodbye but be prepared because I'm back and full full full of speed.

Monday, May 17, 2010

My first week home.

...and I'm spending all my time being in love.

My parents are on vacation and I am home alone with Princess, my dog. I never realized how spoiled she actually was until I had to take care of her. She is worse than a baby.

This is the list of what my mom left me to do for her:
Breakfast- break fish oil pill over food and spread around
Give her a bone if you are watching television
Take her on a evening walk (when everyone is in so she doesn't bark at people)
Roll up her allergy medicine in ham and feed to her
She likes to go to bed early
Take her out around 3am

She is spoiled!